What to Expect at Baker Boulevard Church of Christ

Come Join Us!!!

You will be greeted with a friendly handshake and a smiling face.  
We have a fairly small building so it is hard to miss a new face when they come in.  
Like coffee? So do we! Feel free to make yourself a cup and let us get to know you.  
Most likely you will have at least one invitation to go to lunch by the end of the service.
We are loving family that is always looking to add more to our number here in Richland Hills.


We believe prayer is essential to our communication with our Heavenly Father. Praying during the assembly is an example we have from the First Century Church that edifies the Body of Christ and ties us closer together and to the Father. Several prayers will be lead by the brothers within the Baker Blvd congregation during the assembly.

Singing Hymns

 We sing A 'Capella, using only vocal music,  as we believe Jesus and His disciples had done in the first century church.  Our song leader Ronnie Mayfield specially plans and  selects the hymns we sing each and leads us in our time of communal worship along with our praise team. 

The Lord's Supper

We participate in the Lord's Supper  every week as we see exampled by the First Century Church in the book of Acts and the Epistles of Paul. We do this to remember the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross to save the world from sin.  We take of Unleavened Bread wafers and plain grape juice.


You will hear a sermon from our minister Robert Clay concerning the Bible and its application to our lives as disciples of Christ. This is a Biblical teaching to focus our minds and hearts on worship of our Lord and a building up of the Body of Christ. 2 Tim. 4:2;  Titus 1:1; 2:15


 Along with the Lord's Supper we also set aside a time for the members of Baker Blvd Church of Christ to offer financial contributions to the church.  These funds are used for maintaining the functions of our congregation, helping our members who need it, and for our outreach programs within Richland Hills. Acts 11:29-30; 1 Cor 16:2; 2 Cor 5:7-9.


 We conclude each service with an invitation.  This is an opportunity for members and visitors to ask for prayer, seek counsel, or obey the Gospel through Baptism.  We also know that Christ's invitation is open at all times,  not just after a sermon. If you have a specific prayer  need or wish to talk about the teaching of the day or  need to know more about salvation, just let one of us know and we would be happy to visit with you. "Come to me, all you who   are weary and burdened, and I will give you   ."Matt.    11:28